2015-04-19 13:27:01 UTC
What ever happened to the Connotations? I have a great cassette
of them recorded live at CBGB, featuring "You Are the Ketchup in
my Coffee," "Orange is a Good Color for Love," and the legendary
"Gentrification Skank." But the cassette is undated. Ideas?
DG/UX Software Quality Engineering
Data General Corp., Research Triangle Park, North Carolina
"If you don't know how to pronounce a word, say it loud!" --William Strunk
I've been trying to track down the exact same cassette. It's rare to not even find a mention of a band on the interweb. One of my favorite cassettes as a kid, lost it, must locate those tracks again for my own kids. Circle of life and all, esp "gentrification Skank" and "You are the Ketchup...". I've checked used places online to no avail. If I could remember the label, I would go down that road. I've contacted some obscure labels before for odd out of print pieces and they're usually happy to help, but this might have been self-released. I will post any success I have and will check back in for same from you.of them recorded live at CBGB, featuring "You Are the Ketchup in
my Coffee," "Orange is a Good Color for Love," and the legendary
"Gentrification Skank." But the cassette is undated. Ideas?
DG/UX Software Quality Engineering
Data General Corp., Research Triangle Park, North Carolina
"If you don't know how to pronounce a word, say it loud!" --William Strunk